One type of application software is called client - server.
被称作客户机 - 服务器的应用程序是应用软件的一种.
互联网The Web operates within the Internet's Basic client - server architecture.
全球信息网在网际网络的基本 主从 式架构中运作.
互联网The client - server model firmly distinguishes the roles of the client and server.
主从 式模型坚固区别用户端和伺服器的角色.
互联网Under the client - server model, all recipes are stored with the server.
在 主从 式模型之下, 所有的食谱与伺服器一起储存.
互联网You can install Leader Classic on local computer or in client - server configuration.
您可以安装领导人的经典就在本地计算机上或在客户端 - 服务器配置.
互联网In this client - server architecture, fonts are provided on the server side.
在这个客户端 - 服务器架构中, 字体是服务器端提供的.
互联网Our company develops client - server systems and databases in MS SQL and Oracle.
互联网Its client server connection help programs complete source code, has been tested.
其客户服务器连接帮助程序完整的源代码, 已经过测试.
互联网The system composed of three - tier architecture, client , server and database server.
该系统采用客户层 、 服务器层和数据库服务器三层体系结构.
互联网In general cases, XIM is usually implemented using the client - server model.
一般情况下, XIM是使用客户端 - 服务器模型实现的.
互联网It can be used to transmIt'state information about the client server.
互联网Client server control the flow of information.
互联网Is your game client - server or peer - to - peer or whatever.
你的游戏采用 客户服务器 还是对等网络还是其他的.
互联网Figure 2. The Client - Server Relationship.
互联网It is based on the client server architecture and uses push deployment with total administrator control.
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